Budget Campaign Toolkit


For Agency Directors and Leaders

We don’t need to tell you – Head Start is far more than a preschool program; it is a vital resource for California’s most vulnerable children and families. However, to ensure this life-changing resource remains accessible to those who rely on it, we need the support and partnership of California lawmakers.

To keep California’s Head Start programs strong, we are requesting $50 million for Head Start programs in the FY 22-23 state budget.

This funding will support expanding access to early childhood care and learning to more families, ensuring children reach Kindergarten healthy and ready to learn, and help families become financially secure.

Specifically, Head Start programs can use the proposed funding to attract and retain qualified staff, by increasing teachers’ salaries.

To be successful, we need to activate a large and diverse coalition of Head Start agency leaders, staff, parents, families, and others who support our most vulnerable communities.

We are going to need your leadership and help to reach a critical mass.

To make this easy, this toolkit includes sample content, social media, and other tools you can use to reach your staff, parents, families, and partner organizations.

This toolkit includes:
  • Contact State Lawmakers with One Click
  • Sample Newsletter Content
  • Sample Social Media Posts
  • Helpful Resources
  • Quick Tips

Please note: Head Start staff should do these activities outside of work hours. They should engage in these activities on their personal devices and while on break or when not at work.

One-Click Email to Legislators

For us to successfully secure this funding, we will need to activate a large and diverse coalition of Head Start agency leaders, staff, parents, families, and others who support our most vulnerable communities. Send a one-click email now to your legislators to remind them of the importance of including Head Start in the budget!

Contact your Legislator with One-Click

Sample Newsletter Content

Teachers are the Heart of Head Start

We don’t need to tell you – Head Start is far more than a preschool program; it is a vital resource for California’s most vulnerable children and families. And teachers are at the heart of every Head Start program.
To ensure this life-changing resource remains accessible to those who rely on it, recruiting and retaining qualified teachers is key.
To keep California’s Head Start programs strong, we are requesting $50 million for Head Start programs in the FY 22-23 state budget.
This funding will support expanding access to early learning and care to more families, ensuring children reach Kindergarten healthy and ready to learn, and helping families become financially secure.
We need to activate a large and diverse coalition of Head Start agency leaders, staff, parents, families, and others who support our most vulnerable communities.

Show California that Teachers are the #HeartofHeadStart


Sample Social Media Posts

For your Twitter or Facebook


Our state needs a strong Head Start to support our most vulnerable kids & families. Ask your CA lawmakers to support funding for CA’s Head Start programs, so we can provide quality care to kids who need it the most. #HeartofHeadStart #CAleg

We need to show the legislature that Head Start is a vital resource for our most vulnerable kids & families. Contact your state lawmakers today to secure funding for CA’s Head Start Programs, so we can provide quality care to kids who need it the most. #HeartofHeadStart #CAleg

Teachers are the #HeartofHeadStart. They provide quality care and education to kids who need it the most. Contact your CA lawmakers today to secure funding for CA’s Head Start Programs. #CAleg

Tweet at lawmakers

[@twitterhandle], teachers are the #HeartofHeadStart. They provide quality care and education to kids who need it the most. Please support state funding for CA’s Head Start programs in this year’s budget #CAleg

Use Graphics

People are 3X more likely to engage with social media posts that include visual content. Use these sample graphics below…




Helpful Resources

Quick Tips

  • Include hashtags. Use #HeartofHeadStart and #CAleg
  • Algorithms matter. The algorithms on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter make it more likely that people will see posts with higher engagement
  • Use visuals. People are 3X more likely to engage with social media posts that include visual content.
  • Tag partners and lawmakers. Make sure you tag the handle of your agency and partners, and also the target lawmaker.









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