• Advocacy and Policy News
    Urgent Request: Share your data on the Head Start Staffing Crisis

    The teacher shortage in early childhood programs, including Head Start, has become a national conversation. Head Start California is working with EveryChild California to get current, on-the-ground information regarding the scope of the crisis. Collecting this data now is important, as we prepare for congressional visits in mid-September. We want to give our federal legislators a real-time understanding of the scope of the problem – both the challenge it creates for programs and its impact on parents and children.

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  • Advocacy and Policy News
    Assembly Bill 2131 Advances to the Governor’s Desk

    Assembly Bill 2131 (Mullin) passed unanimously through the Senate and the Assembly and is headed to the Governor’s desk! This bill will allow the Department of Social Services to more swiftly implement a single childcare license for all age groups. This will allow providers greater flexibility to serve children at different ages, creating continuity of care for children and families and allowing programs to respond to the challenges posed by the expansion of TK.

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  • Advocacy and Policy News
    California State Budget 2022-23 Summary

    On June 30, Gavin Newsom signed California’s 2022-23 budget. Unfortunately, teacher wage increases for Head Start and other state-subsidized programs were not included. The budget provides additional supports for dual language learners and children with disabilities in CSPP, increased slots for alternative payment and General Child Care (CCTR) programs and an extension of the waiver of family fees for state-subsidized programs for an additional year.
    Head Start California is concerned that the proposed emergency TK credential,

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  • Advocacy and Policy News
    Legislature’s child care proposal overlooks the most vulnerable

    Original article published by CalMatters on June 13, 2022
    Author: Anna Ioakimedes, Director of Governmental Affairs, Head Start California
    Legislature’s child care proposal overlooks the most vulnerable
    The Legislature recently released its Joint Legislative Budget Proposal, which included more than $2 billion to support the child care system. It provided no funding, however, for some of the most vulnerable children and families in California — those living below the federal poverty line (less than $28,000 for a family of four) and thus eligible for Head Start.

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  • Advocacy and Policy News
    We can stop the Head Start classroom crisis

    Original Article Published by EdSource on June 2, 2022
    Author: Anna Ioakimedes, Director of Governmental Affairs, Head Start California
    We can stop the Head Start classroom crisis
    Low wages for Head Start teachers are causing classrooms to close, leaving children without services and risking our financial future
    “I’m a director who spends more time figuring out how to cover staffing than how to improve quality.”
    That quote,

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  • Advocacy and Policy News
    Press Release: Gov’s May Revise Misses Opportunity to Support CA’s Most Vulnerable Families

    (Sacramento, CA)- Head Start California was disappointed to see that, despite a record-breaking $97.5 billion surplus, Governor Gavin Newsom declined to include funding for Head Start teacher salaries in his May Revise budget proposal.
    Head Start programs provide high-quality early learning and care, access to medical, dental and immunization services, and supportive services and leadership opportunities for parents. But profoundly inadequate wages mean that programs have struggled to hire and retain the teachers needed to keep classrooms open.

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  • Advocacy and Policy News
    Head Start California Interviewed by Fox40 News about $50 Million Budget Request

    Head Start California’s Director of Government Affairs, Anna Ioakimedes, was interviewed by Fox 40 reporter Ashley Zavala about our budget request! The report played on local Sacramento television stations during the morning news and was shared by Fox 40 on their website and on Twitter. Statewide news source CalMatters shared the link to the report in its daily newsletter.
    This media attention helps us demonstrate to lawmakers the importance of our ask.

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  • Advocacy and Policy NewsHead Start California Updates
    Governor’s Budget Falls Short of Dedicated Head Start Funding, Despite a Budget Surplus

    Sacramento, Calif. (January 10, 2022) – On January 10, Governor Gavin Newsom released his proposed 2022-23 budget. Head Start California was disappointed that despite another enormous surplus — $20.6 billion in discretionary spending — Head Start programs again did not receive dedicated funding in the state budget.
    “Head Start programs are life-changing,” said Christopher Maricle, Executive Director of Head Start California. “A state investment in Head Start would help tens of thousands of families who would benefit from Head Start’s comprehensive,

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  • Advocacy and Policy NewsHead Start California Updates
    Press Release: Child Advocacy Group Thanks Legislative Champion

    Assembly Majority Leader Reyes Champions Budget Request
    on Behalf of California Families
    (Sacramento, CA) – In a briefing on Head Start programs for the capitol community today, California State Assembly Majority Leader Eloise Gómez Reyes (AD 47) announced she will champion a $50 million budget request for Head Start agencies in California. Head Start California, the membership association representing local Head Start programs, deeply appreciates the continued support from the majority leader.
    As the majority leader noted,

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  • Advocacy and Policy News
    Op-Ed from Leading Child Childcare Expert

    Evidence matters. Dr. Michael Olenick’s summary of the history of childcare expansion efforts, and the research of how different policy initiatives impacted early childhood systems, is clear and succinct. The implications for California’s most recent policy changes are serious. And a solution is completely achievable.
    For more than a century, California has supported an early care system with small incremental changes while leaving much of the system to the marketplace. Plans laid by the governor to implement a Universal Transitional Kindergarten statewide by 2025 have been similarly imposed in other states,

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