My Head Start Story


Your #HeadStartStory Matters

We are collecting stories all year long to celebrate Head Start Awareness! We want to hear your stories about how Head Start has impacted YOU. The stories received will help Head Start California continue to spread awareness about all of the great things Head Start does.

Whether you’re a Head Start parent or family member, teacher or other staff member, or a Head Start graduate yourself, your story is powerful.


Why do we need your stories?

Head Start California is working hard to increase public awareness of California’s Head Start community, provide better service to our members, and engage more deeply and collaboratively with the larger early childhood care and education community in California and across the country. Your story will help legislators, policymakers and the community understand why making vital programs like Head Start available to more families is so important. So, share your #headstartstory!


Not sure what to write?

See a sample story here. Don’t have time to write a story? Submit a simple quote!



Help Us Spread the Word!




Don’t forget to post on social using the hashtag #HeadStartStory

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why are you collecting Head Start stories?  

A: We are collecting stories to demonstrate Head Start’s impact and help decision-makers and influencers see why it’s so important to increase opportunities so that more families can participate in Head Start programs in California.

Q: Do you have any more example stories?

A: Yes, click here  and you will stories we have collected from parents, staff and Head Start graduates. 

Q: What will you do with my story and who will see it?  

A: Head Start California may distribute the stories we collect in a variety of forms and promotional channels, including but not limited to social media posts, newsletters, flyers, posters, brochures, advertisements, fundraising letters, annual reports, press kits, videos and submissions to journalists, websites, social networking sites, and other print and digital communications. The people reading your story may include lawmakers, policymakers, community members, early childhood education advocates, and the general public.  


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