California Governor Gavin Newsom unveiled his $222.2 billion state budget on January 10. Among his plans to spend part of a projected $5.6 billion surplus on green technology and homeless aid, Governor Newsom’s plan would also steer more money to Medi-Cal, and boost assistance for homeless people and mental healthcare.
Head Start California is eagerly awaiting the trailer bill language and looking forward to the budget hearings in the coming weeks to learn more about the Governor’s budget proposals.
More information regarding the Governor’s budget can be found here. Here is a summary of the Governor’s proposals on early childhood:
Creation of the Department of Early Childhood Development
The budget proposes to establish the Department of Early Childhood Development under the California Health & Human Services Agency (CHHS) effective July 1, 2021, to promote a high quality, affordable and unified early childhood system that improves program integration and coordination with other major programs serving young children.
Universal Preschool
Increase of $31.9 million in 2020-21 and $127 million ongoing non-Prop 98 General Fund to support an additional 10,000 State Preschool slots at non-local educational agencies beginning April 1, 2021
Early Childhood Health and Wellness
Adverse Childhood Experiences Development
- $10 million one-time General Fund for the development of an adverse childhood experiences cross-sector training program that will be accredited by the Office of the Surgeon General
- The Surgeon General will engage leading experts and consultants to develop a series of trauma-informed trainings specific to key sectors, including early childhood, education, government and law enforcement
Reducing Childhood Poverty
Child Support Payments
Will reduce childhood poverty by increasing the amount of child support payments passed through to CalWORKs families— effective Jan. 1, 2022, child support payments passed through to CalWORKs families will be increased from the current $50 to $100 for a family with one child and $200 for a family with two or more children
Paid Family Leave
This budget proposal takes additional steps to increase the use of PFL benefits including statutory changes to align PFL benefits with job protections and resources to support small businesses that extend the PFL benefits to their employees.
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