On September 30, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill (AB) 2131. Sponsored by Head Start California and the Los Angeles County Office of Education, AB 2131 removes the final impediment to implementing a single childcare license for all ages and allows the Department of Social Services to more swiftly implement the new licenses.
In 2018, California passed AB 605 (Mullin), which ordered the Department of Social Services to create a single child care license. Previously, child care providers were required to hold separate licenses for different age groups, which made it difficult for both providers and families to provide consistent, ongoing care for children as they aged. The creation of the new, single license was delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic and by residual language in statute that required a special “toddler option” enhancement to a license that is now no longer necessary.
“AB 2131 will remove an administrative burden for our providers in the mixed delivery system and provide them greater flexibility to serve children aged 0-5,” stated Head Start Executive Director Christopher Maricle. “It’s a great example of good legislation—it solves a problem in the field by simplifying the rules. As the whole field shifts with the implementation of Transition Kindergarten, this flexibility is sorely needed and most welcomed.”
Head Start California thanks Governor Gavin Newsom and Assemblymember Kevin Mullin for their support of this important change.
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