Your help is needed to ensure that California invests the resources required to strengthen Head Start and Early Head Start programs. Together, we can improve the entire early childhood education and care system.
Please contact your legislators today to tell them to fund Head Start and Early Head Start programs – and invest in California’s most vulnerable children and families. Sending this pre-drafted message will only take one minute of your time. Please use your home address when filling out the form so that the message is received by the elected official in your voting district.
Take Action Now!
As you know, Head Start promotes school readiness for our most vulnerable children and families by offering educational, nutritional, health, social, and other services. In 2017, Head Start and Early Head Start served over 100,000 of California’s most at-risk children ages 0-5. Yet, less than 10 percent of eligible children age 0-3 had access to Early Head Start programs.
With additional state support, we can serve more children and families. Please contact your legislators today to let them know the state of California needs to invest in the futures of all of our children and families.
Help us secure a Stronger Start, Brighter Future for all of our children.
Thank you,
Christopher Maricle
Executive Director
Head Start California
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