Child Care & End Child Poverty in CA- Virtual Advocacy Days
On June 4, Head Start California partnered with the California Alternative Payment Program Association, End Child Poverty CA and the CA Food Bank Association to host a virtual advocacy day. We came together as a group of over 250 advocates where we learned, advocated and briefed over 50 legislative offices on our state policy and budget overview that will keep families fed, housed, and cared for. On July 23, we’ll come back for a follow-up to highlight anti-hunger, anti-poverty and child care legislation in California, with input from legislators, advocates, and policy groups. Don’t miss this impactful day–invitation coming this week!
NHSA Virtual Advocacy Day
On June 22, NHSA and HSC held a virtual “Hill Day” and organized meetings between Head Start advocates in California with congressional staff. We might not have been in DC in person, but Congress is still hearing firsthand about Head Start’s impact during this pandemic and the supports we need for the next round of federal relief. Parents and advocates throughout the state shared their stories and some even had their kids make an appearance! We told Congress about our communities’ needs, especially around mental health and technology.
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