Allow me to introduce you to the new ‘us.’ We are now: Head Start California! After a year-long process of exploring and clarifying our purpose, core values and key services, the board of directors has adopted a new brand image for your state Head Start association. View a PowerPoint here that visually shows the transition of California Head Start Association to Head Start California.
Why rebrand? This is not just about a new logo. Our name and logo our changing, because the association is changing. The staff, the work, the website and the benefits — all of it is changing. We are working hard to increase public awareness of California’s Head Start community, provide better service to our members, and engage more deeply and collaboratively with the larger early childhood care and education community in California and across the country.
Our new name tells the world we are the Head Start community in California — in that order.
Our new tagline captures our commitments as a professional community — and for what purpose.
Our new logo is reminiscent of the traditional Head Start symbol (“blocks and arrow”) but conceived in a modern, forward-thinking design. We are — all of us — moving up. We are getting stronger as a professional community, lifting up the families we serve, and leading Head Start advocacy in California and nationally.
We are excited about celebrating this new page in the proud history of the association with you – our members, families, partners, and advocates. We invite you to take this opportunity to do exactly what the tagline says: connect with colleagues, engage in the work of the association, and advocate more powerfully for Head Start. Because the least we can do for California’s highest needs children, is everything we can.
Christopher Maricle
Executive Director
California Head Start
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