Advocacy and Policy News
FY23 and FY24 Nationwide HS & EHS Program-Level Enrollment and Funding DataBy Paul Behrman, Walnut Leadership
Local Head Start programs must modernize quickly, and chart a solid course for quality and sustainability. Prior to the pandemic which emerged in 2020, the broader field of early care and education was struggling with a workforce crisis. The pandemic worsened this crisis, with many staff leaving the ECE field for less stress, and better pay and working conditions. Behavioral concerns around children of the “COVID generation” increased, -
Advocacy and Policy News
State Moving Forward on Changes to Teacher PermitsMajor changes to early childhood teacher permits are impending on two fronts.
First, the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) is currently considering regulations to implement AB 1930, HSC’s bill to end the ten-year limit on Associate Teacher Permits. The regulations are procedurally necessary to effectuate the change required by AB 1930. A public comment period on the proposed regulations is open until Thursday, February 27. You can view the proposed regulations here, and use this template to submit your comment letter in support. -
Advocacy and Policy News
New Federal Administration Causes Confusion for Head Start Programs: Here’s What We KnowBy: Melanee Cottrill, Executive Director, Head Start California
With a new administration, the last two weeks have been a whirlwind of unexpected challenges for Head Start. HSC has been working diligently to understand the new orders and what they mean for Head Start. We are also working closely with our partners to resolve any issues your program experiences as quickly as possible. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly if you encounter any challenges that may be due to these, -
Head Start California Updates
Health Institute Brings in Record Number of Head Start Health Staff to Newport Beach EventThank you to everyone who joined us at the 2024 Health Institute, held from November 13-15 in beautiful Newport Beach! With over 280 attendees, this year’s event set a new HSC record and proved to be an incredible success. Feedback from our 152 survey respondents highlighted this achievement, with an impressive 97.3% rating the conference as either “good” or “excellent.” One participant shared, “I really enjoyed connecting with other people, especially from outside of my region,” reflecting the strong sense of community and collaboration fostered at the event.
Advocacy and Policy News
Federal Advocacy: Navigating Changes After the ElectionBy: Melanee Cottrill, HSC Executive Director
Together, we are strong.
As we move forward from a divisive election, I am both inspired and energized by our Head Start community. In a recent teambuilding session, I was reminded that our diversity – not just demographically, but in thought, behavior, and belief – is the source of our strength. Our differing perspectives honor and reflect the many experiences and realities of the communities we serve. Even when it’s hard to see, -
Head Start Stories
My Head Start Story: OlgaStory submitted by: Olga, Head Start parent and staff
As I began my education career at Woodland Community College, one of my electives was Early Childhood Development, and one of the requirements was to observe a childcare center. I went into a Head Start center and signed up to volunteer. I was very nervous, but the moment I saw the classroom, I had the best feeling. I knew I was in the right place and wanted to pursue this career. -
Head Start Stories
Head Start Cuento de JulianaStory submitted by: Juliana, Head Start parent
El programa está ayudando a mi hijo a ser más independiente de mamá; él busca realizar las cosas por sí solo. Esto se debe a la enseñanza de las maestras del programa. A mí también me ha ayudado a tener tiempo para realizar todas las tareas pendientes del hogar y, además, a tener la oportunidad de buscar un empleo, ya que ya no estoy preocupada por quién cuide a mi hijo. -
Head Start Stories
My Head Start Story: RandiStory submitted by: Randi Head Start alumni, parent and staff
I am Head Start!
I started in Head Start as a young child back in 1980! I remember it vividly as we had actual nails, hammer and wood to practice with outside. As I got older, I did not have any interest in school, as I was a child of a depressed, drug-addicted mom. I struggled in school and only went because it was the only place I could receive a free hot meal. -
Head Start Stories
My Head Start Story: JoyceStory submitted by: Joyce, Head Start parent and staff
Back in 1987, I lived in a small community called Orange Cove, California, located southeast of Fresno near the foothills. It was mostly made up of farm workers, and I was one of them, picking oranges in the fields. To be able to work, I needed to enroll my son in preschool, so I signed him up for the Orange Cove Head Start EOC Program. -
Advocacy and Policy News
AB 1930 Lifts 10-Year Limit on Associate Teacher PermitsGovernor Newsom on September 27 signed into law AB 1930, which will remove the 10-year limit on Associate Teacher Permits. The bill will go into effect no later than April 30, 2025, at which point Associate Teacher Permit holders will be able to renew their permits every five years upon completion of 105 hours of professional development. In the meantime, our team is working with the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to clarify the reinstatement process for those associate teachers who have recently lost their permits or will lose them between now and April 30.