This month, Head Start California is working through its regional clusters to coordinate a comprehensive response to The Master Plan for Early Learning and Care. The Master Plan has major implications for Head Start’s role in the future of California’s mixed delivery system for early childhood care and learning. Our goal is to solicit broad input from Head Start programs across California to ensure that we can provide the administration with a cohesive and clear set of recommendations.
To achieve that, HSC is establishing four workgroups, aligned to the four major goals of the plan:
- Unify and Strengthen Programs and Services
- Educator Competencies, Career Pathways, and Program Standards
- Unifying Funding to Advance Equity and Opportunity
- Streamline Early Childhood Governance and Administration
What will the workgroups do? This is a deep dive in a short time frame. We expect to conclude this work by the end of March. Members of the workgroup will:
- Read the Master Plan Action Plans for the goal area.
- Identify matters that impact Head Start.
- Develop recommendations for the administration.
- Attend 1-2 online meetings hosted by HSC to share and discuss the recommendations. (We expect the first meeting for each group to be held the week of March 15-19. If any additional meetings are necessary, we will convene those on March 22-26.)
Each cluster is being asked to identify at least 1-2 individuals. If you are interested in serving on a workgroup, contact your cluster representatives. This is an excellent opportunity to engage in the work of the association. And this moment is the very reason the association exists.
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