Board of Directors
Head Start California is governed by a 24-29 member Board of Directors which meets at least four times per year. Directors are elected by the members and serve three-year terms. Members will receive notice by mail or email when nominations and elections are open. To receive notice by email, members must have submitted a Consent to Electronic Disclosure.
Each of the association-designated clusters elects two individuals to serve on the board of directors.
Any member agency executive director, director, administrator or other person with authority over Head Start or Early Head Start program operations may be nominated. Additionally, a few seats on the board are reserved for appointed Directors at Large with experience and expertise in a variety of non- profit leadership skills, such as governance, advocacy, fundraising and philanthropy, and workforce development.
The board elects its own officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Officer positions are two-year terms, elected in the spring in even-numbered years.
Interested in serving on the board in the future? Read more about the role and reach out to our Executive Director for more information.
The Board governs HSC within the confines of our Bylaws.
Strategic Plan
In 2022, the Head Start California Board of Directors approved a new strategic plan.
Strategic Goals:
- Head Start is funded to support a justly compensated workforce.
- Head Start has wider recognition in California among families with young children and the emerging workforce.
- All Head Start staff have access to training they need to succeed.
- Head Start California generates income from a balance of revenue sources.
- Head Start California attracts and retains a professional staff and board leadership that will advance our mission and secure our future.
View the Strategic Plan Summary here.
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Head Start CA
Head Start Quick Links
Office of Head Start (OHS)
Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center (ECLKC)
Head Start Program Performance Standards (HSPPS)
National Head Start Association (NHSA)
Region 9 Head Start Association
Program Data
Head Start Agency List
California Head Start State Collaboration Office
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