Governor Newsom released a new Blueprint for a Safer Economy noting that “COVID-19 will be with us for a long time and that we all need to adapt and live differently to get through this”. The Blueprint provides a uniform framework of four Tiers based on how prevalent COVID-19 is in each county and will be used to guide progression of opening businesses and activities. In accompanying documents posted by California Department of Public Health, the impact of the Tier framework on schools is described as follows:
- Schools may reopen for in-person instruction based on equivalent criteria to the July 17 School Re-opening Framework previously announced. That framework remains in effect except that Tier 1 is substituted for the previous County Data Monitoring List (which has equivalent criteria to Tier 1). Schools in counties within Tier 1 are not permitted to reopen for in-person instruction, with an exception for waivers granted by local health departments for TK-6 grades. Schools that are not authorized to reopen, including TK-6 schools that have not received a waiver, may provide structured, in-person supervision and services to students under the Guidance for Small Cohorts/Groups of Children and Youth.
- Schools are eligible for reopening fully for in-person instruction following California School Sector Specific Guidelines once the county is off Tier 1 for 14 days, which is similar to being off the County Data Monitoring List for at least 14 days.
- Potential re-closure should follow the July 17 School Re-opening Framework
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