Let’s start the new year with a counting party! Census 2020 is coming fast and our Head Start community has a critical role to play. It is estimated that over one million children under age 5 were not counted in the last census. An undercount in 2020 could cost California more than $3 billion in federally funded programs, including those affecting young children. Our goal for 2020: no child left uncounted!
Partnering with the California WIC and First 5 associations to reach out to all families with young children may be the most important action we take for the next decade, because the census is used to determine elected representation and federal funding for important family programs in the next 10 years.
What can agencies do? We need every child counted. There are four basic activities we believe every agency and every site can engage in:
- Post: Add census banners to your website with a link to official Census resources
- Push: Promote census messaging through your agency’s social media channels
- Display: Place census posters at all HS / EHS sites, and ask local partners to post them as well
- Distribute: Provide census messaging to all HS / EHS families
What can individuals do?
Learn more about how you can engage in the Census here.
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