Story submitted by:
Nina, Head Start parent
E-Center Head Start in Yuba City, CA
Head Start has made it possible for my grandchildren to succeed. My husband and I were granted permanent guardianship of our grandchildren Gracie and Preston, (then 18 months and 7 months, respectively). Both were developmentally delayed and emotionally unstable. Gracie didn’t talk, cried often, and Preston didn’t do much except lay there. My husband and I were both working full time, opposite schedules, and sleep-deprived. One day, I picked up the phone and called the local Head Start (E-Center) to ask for help.
We started in the home-based program, in which the teacher came over once a week and worked with the kids. After only about a month, we started seeing changes in them! Shortly after, Gracie and Preston were accepted in the all-day program at SOCC. The teachers set goals, and working together as a team, we helped Gracie and Preston reach them. This would not have happened without the loving, understanding, and patient staff at E-Center Head Start. Gracie is now attending kindergarten, having left Head Start kinder-ready. She is well-advanced, thriving and academically above average in her current kindergarten class. Preston is in his last year of Head Start, can count to 25, knows his ABCs, knows his shapes and colors and can write his name.
Head Start is not just a daycare. It’s a program that is family-oriented and encourages parents to be part of their children’s education and goals. It’s obvious that the staff at E-Center Head Start place their top priority on the kids and their families, the way they go above and beyond to help families in need. Head Start taught us how important it is to be committed to our children’s learning and development. I recommend Head Start to any family. It’s an amazing opportunity for families to give their children a head start in life.
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