Mission & Vision



We envision a future where Head Start is recognized as the gold standard in child development and the provider of choice for California’s most vulnerable children and families.


We empower Head Start programs to reach their full potential through advocacy, professional development, networking, and collaboration.



Inclusion “Everyone is welcome”

We value diversity and engage people of all backgrounds and abilities as we strive for a more equitable society.

Ethical Behavior “Do the right thing”

We create and sustain relationships built on trust, moral courage, respect, and accountability.

Innovation “Creativity Reigns”

We embrace the change around us and inspire one another to innovate our way forward.

Teamwork “Better Together”

We value the spirit in individual thinking and believe in the power of collaboration to accelerate our success.


Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

Head Start California is committed to creating an environment of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging
for all members, staff, volunteers, families, and stakeholders. We are committed to ensuring that everyone is respected and valued regardless of their race, gender, age, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, religious beliefs, abilities, disabilities, or any other factor. We actively promote a culture of equity and justice in our work, and we strive to create an environment where everyone can belong and thrive. At Head Start California, we believe that our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging is integral to achieving our vision of building a future where Head Start is recognized as the gold standard in early childhood education.

Strategic Plan

In 2022, Head Start California created and approved a new strategic plan.

Strategic Goals:
  1. Head Start is funded to support a justly compensated workforce.
  2. Head Start has wider recognition in California among families with young children and the emerging workforce.
  3. All Head Start staff have access to training they need to succeed.
  4. Head Start California generates income from a balance of revenue sources.
  5. Head Start California attracts and retains a professional staff and board leadership that will advance our mission and secure our future.

View the Strategic Plan Summary here.



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