There are 100,000 Head Start stories in California – and one of them is yours. These stories are compelling because they have three elements with universal appeal.
First, they are about children, who have a natural innocence and beauty that tugs at every heartstring.
Second, our stories have a powerful ethical message. We present our communities with situations that ought not to be— like children and families unable to make ends meets. Finally, your stories reveal the compelling contribution of Head Start. You are changing lives right now.
October is National Head Start Awareness Month, and we are re-igniting the call for your stories. The stories we gather have the potential to inspire legislators today. Just last week, a Head Start parent spoke to a California congressional member that had an immediate impact on negotiations in Congress for the next COVID-19 relief package. It works—but only if we share the stories.
We’ve created a simple template Head Start parents and staff can use to share their stories here. Not sure what to write? See a sample story here. Take a chance! All stories submitted by Oct. 16 will be entered into a random drawing for a $100 Amazon gift card!
This advocacy work takes a lot of effort, and resources. To support that work, we re-branded the association’s $2 Dollar Per Child effort as our Power of 2 campaign: Give $2, and then take 2 minutes to ask 2 friends to do the same. Like a small pebble thrown in the water, a very small gift and little effort could create a very large ripple effect. Start something big with something small. Give to the Power of 2 here.
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