In preparation for Head Start Awareness Month in October, we’ve been collecting stories so that we can share them across the state and across the country. What can you do locally to celebrate Head Start awareness month?
Here are a few ideas:
- Invite a member of Congress to your program. Congress is on break and our California delegation is home. If you have not done so already, reach out. Invite them to your program before the calendar fills up. Progress is built on relationships and relationships are built on conversations. Find your representative here.
- Pick a champion. Every family has a story, but not every family has a storyteller. Do you have a great storyteller in your organization? The one who tells great jokes and remembers the punchline. The one who makes you want to listen to the story no matter how long? Designate a storytelling champion to support families… someone who can help them tell their story. Submit your story here.
- Take 2 to give 2. Advocating in the United States Congress for Head Start funding is an ongoing task. In California we have an early childhood-friendly governor. Now is the time for us to increase our advocacy efforts, and that requires resources. The Power of 2 campaign is how we gather those resources. Take 2 minutes to give 2 dollars and ask 2 friends to do the same. That’s the Power of 2 – you can read more here. And it works! After we mentioned the Power of 2 campaign last April, we received a check for $100 from someone – in Texas! We all have networks, and those networks cross county lines and state borders. The Power of 2 is simply the belief that we are all connected. Give 2 here.
We’ll be posting Head Start Stories from the field all month long here.
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