Head Start California is delighted to learn that Ristyn Woolley has been appointed as Director of the California Head Start Collaboration Office (CHSSCO). You may already be familiar with Ristyn, as she has been serving as the Interim Director of CHSSCO since March, following the departure of Stephanie Myers.
Over the past few months, the Head Start California staff and Board of Directors have actively engaged with Ristyn on numerous projects and initiatives. Considering her extensive background in early learning and care, including Head Start, we are pleased to continue working with Ristyn and her team to further collaborate with and support the needs of Head Start programs in our state.
Please view the full announcement below, from Lupe Jaime-Mileham, EdD, the Deputy Director, Child Care and Development Division of the California Department of Social Services:
The Department of Social Service, Child Care and Development Division is pleased to announce Ristyn Woolley has accepted the position of California Head Start Collaboration Office Director, effective July 17th 2023.
Mrs. Woolley has over 24 years working in Early Learning and Care in many capacities including teaching, research and publications, mental health, inclusion, and Head Start. Her state service includes working in Nutrition Services at CDE, the Former Department of Mental Health, and the policy office at CDE and CDSS. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Pacific and Master’s in Early Childhood Educational Leadership from Mills College.
Mrs. Woolley is passionate about utilizing her lived experience and knowledge in systems building to assist in improving collaboration between State partners and Head Start grantees to provide quality whole-child whole-family services to the children and families of California.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
In partnership,
Lupe Jaime-Mileham, EdD
Deputy Director, Child Care and Development Division
California Department of Social Services
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