“You are in the most noble profession of all … the care of young children, ” Dr. Peter Szilagyi assured over 400 attendees at the opening of the February 24 Vaccine Education Webinar, a joint collaboration between the Region 9 Head Start Association (R9HSA) and Head Start California (HSC). Dr. Szilagyi is one of four UCLA medical experts who joined the presentation through the efforts of HSC’s Workforce Development Committee. The goal of this initiative is to provide consistent information about coronavirus vaccinations to the Head Start community.
This pandemic has been more protracted than many of us anticipated 12 months ago, and certainly more deadly — having now claimed over half a million American lives. Many of us are anxious to return to fully operational center-based programming, but there are challenges. Head Start staff and parents have lots of questions about COVID-19 vaccinations: Do they work? Are they safe? Where and when can we get one? What are the side effects?
Health is in Head Start’s DNA – a core part of our mission. We can and should play a vital role as trusted messengers, providing our communities access to consistent and reliable information about the virus and the vaccinations, so that everyone can make informed decisions about how to keep their family safe.
Click here to visit Head Start California’s COVID-19 webpage. We will maintain updated links to the webinars and resources about vaccination information that both HSC and R9HSA intend to share broadly.
Register now for the next Vaccine Education Webinar on March 18 at 11:00 AM PT.
Stay tuned. Stay Connected. Stay informed. Stay safe and healthy.
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