Event Policies

Policy Statement on Participation and Respect 

Head Start California is committed to a work and learning culture that fosters a welcoming and respectful environment. These values are essential for Head Start to be a high-performing organization where all staff and volunteers have the opportunity to reach their full potential and maximize their contributions to children and families. Head Start California welcomes full participation at our events, ensuring a professional and respectful experience for all attendees. 


Conference Cancellations

Rationale: HSC aims to maximize opportunities for both membership and volunteers. Simultaneously, we strive to maintain fiscal responsibility by carefully managing the allocation of member funds. Can we use this: In the past, there have been instances where HSC covered the costs of meals, rooms, and other expenses for attendees who either did not show up or failed to cancel their registration for the event. Although we understand there may be unforeseen circumstances some of these would have been preventable with a cancellation. Responsible financial management will result in additional benefits for our members.

This also applies to events – especially conventions and conferences. As we approach under 30 days, we are locked into providing final counts for meals, room nights etc. With advance notice, we can get a more accurate count to ensure financial responsibility and potentially shift funds to other areas.

We will also consider cancellations on a case-by-case basis due to unforeseen circumstances such as illness, etc.

Non-paid events: For events without a registration fee, apart from webinars, cancellations must be received within seven days of the event. If a cancellation is received fewer than 7 days before the event, or if an attendee no shows to the event, a cancellation fee of $75 per day may be charged to cover non-refundable event expenses, like meals and materials.

Attendees who reserve hotel rooms and fail to cancel their reservations within the specified timeframe will be responsible for applicable cancellation fees per the hotel’s policy. HSC will not cancel hotel room reservations for attendees.

Paid events: HSC is committed to maintaining fiscal responsibility for both the organization and its members. However, due to incurred costs related to events, speakers, materials, and meals, there are specific time frames during which we are unable to cancel services. Due to the cost of events, speakers, materials, meals, etc. there are time frames where we are unable to cancel services. Cancellation fees will be considered on a case-by-case basis with unforeseen circumstances beyond the attendee’s control.

Cancellation fees for events will be as follows:

Refund Amount Timing
100% Refund 30 days prior to an event
50% refund 15-29 days prior to the event
No refund 14 days prior to the event

All refund requests must be made in writing and postmarked or emailed at least two weeks before the event. All refund requests will be subject to a $30 handling fee, per attendee. Written requests must be mailed to:

Head Start California

PO Box #268

Citrus Heights, CA 95611

Or emailed to: kindell@headstartca.org. No refunds will be issued for any reason for participant cancellations once the event has started, nor will they be issued for attendees removed from the convention due to refusal to comply with Health and Safety procedures. Refunds for registrations purchased with a credit card fee will include ticket price only, excluding any credit card processing fees charged by our third-party registration system.


Inclement Weather Policy

If you have registered for a HEAD START CALIFORNIA in-person event and are unable to attend due to severe weather, HEAD START CALIFORNIA will provide a credit which may be used for any purchase within twelve (12) months from the close of the HEAD START CALIFORNIA event. Due to our inability to cancel special tracks and special events on late notice, we are unable to credit these items. To receive a credit for the conference registrations, please send an email that includes the organization name, registered participant names, and explanation of inclement weather conditions within 7 calendar days of the event close to: events@headstartca.org.



To request substitutions for HSC events, kindly submit the name of the original registrant along with the substituting person’s name to HEAD START CALIFORNIA before the registration deadline. Please forward these requests via email to events@headstartca.org, ensuring to include “Conference Substitution” in the subject line. Once processed, the substitute attendee will receive a confirmation email and will be provided with a new login for event access. Please be aware that the original registration login will no longer be valid.

Note: Each registration is intended for a single individual and cannot be divided among multiple attendees. Additionally, substitutions are only permitted for another ticket of equal value.


Conference Pricing

HEAD START CALIFORNIA provides a breakdown of pricing for all conferences for the current fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) for budgeting purposes only. Prices may increase or decrease due to unforeseen circumstances closer to the event. All prices are for advanced registration. Please email info@headstartca.org to request a budget planning worksheet.


Payment Methods

Credit cards: We accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express.

Invoice/check: Select this option to request an invoice to be emailed to you. All invoices must be paid within 30 days of invoice.

To ensure timely and accurate crediting to your registration account, please include your invoice number(s) and make sure that checks are made payable and sent to:

Head Start California P.O. Box 268 Citrus Heights, CA 95611

Purchase order: To use a purchase order, please input the PO number during online registration, if you have it. If you do not yet have a PO number, enter REQUESTED in the PO number box and hit finish to complete your registration. If you need documentation to submit a PO request, print the confirmation which shows the registration and balance due. A copy of a valid PO should be emailed to: events@headstartca.org


Incomplete Registration

Please make sure to complete the payment page and click finish to ensure your registration is completed. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please email: events@headstartca.org to make sure your registration is complete.


Consent to Use Images Obtained in Video/Photo Recordings

Registration and attendance at, or participation in, HEAD START CALIFORNIA conferences, meeting, events and other activities constitutes an agreement by the registrant or attendee to give HEAD START CALIFORNIA the irrevocable right to use and distribute (both now and in the future) the registrant’s or attendee’s image, likeness, or voice, in pictures, recordings, videotape or film, or any part thereof, in all forms and mediums and in all manners, including composite for advertising, marketing, publication or any other lawful purposes, now known or hereafter created.


Consent to Receive Communications

In registering for a HEAD START CALIFORNIA event you agree to receive email and application communications that include important event information from HEAD START CALIFORNIA, and exclusive offers and promotions from exhibiting vendors and partners.

If you are not receiving communications regarding an event you have registered for, please refer to this helpful document to assist you in ‘allowlisting’ our emails.


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